Who are we...
WakeUpAndAct is a nonprofit organization created by teens, for teens. At WUAA we want to engage high school students who are beginning to think about the world we live in. Our goal is to help teens become aware, get educated, and get involved. Teens are full of passion about social justice issues, but often are not sure how they can make a difference. As passionate activists, we are determined to combat the injustices that exist today and educate teens to the greatest issues facing our generation. Join us to make a difference.
Mental Health
Human Trafficking
WakeUpAndAct is tackling issues that affect teens today. We need to educate and engage to help each other through these challenging times. Sign up and connect with our community on Instagram. Also, check out our current projects and let us know what you care about...
Importance of Voting
Find Your Voice
Our mission is to educate high school students to enact change for our future. We believe that working together with a united voice on the issues that effect our generation, can have positive change for teens everywhere. We need to be educated, engaged, and speak out about injustice to create a better world for us to thrive as equals. Join our community of activists and allies as we work towards a better and more just world.